The weather is warming up and it's time to get back outside! Where do you go, what do you bring with you? We have some ideas for you whether you're a local to Colorado or wherever you may roam.
Tips and supplies to stay warm and fueled during your cold-weather fall and winter camping adventures! Including: how to buy the perfect sleeping bags, how to know if your layers are good enough, what food to bring, and how to keep your skin protected and healthy!
Picking the right breakfast is as important as your tent views. We all know that the classic backpacker’s breakfast is instant oatmeal, but you can only eat so much it. That’s why I’ve spent the past few years trail-testing easy, delicious backpacking breakfasts on how easy it was to pack, prep, and eat. Read more here!
You’ve already heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But did you know that hiking on a flat trail is equivalent to walking on the treadmill at a 3% incline? Or that the average person burns about 4,500 calories a day backpacking? You need the nutrients and taste of a home-cooked meal in the morning to get you going, but making that happen before the sun is up is ambitious.